仅适用于 Windows 和 macOS
从 www.dogecoin.com 下载狗狗币核心
要求您的 Internet 提供商提供公共 IP 地址。 (重要的是,我被困在这一步)
在您的路由器上进行端口转发,以允许与 Dogecoin 端口 (:22556) 的连接从您的路由器(接收连接)转发到您的计算机详细信息 https://dogecoinisawesome.com/full-node
通常,完成这三个步骤后,您已成功运行 Dogecoin Full Node。 如果您的
active connections >8,则表示您已准备就绪!
Only for Windows and macOS
Download Dogecoin core from www.dogecoin.com
Let Dogecoin Core synchronize all block data (automatically)
Ask your Internet Provider to give a Public IP address. (Important, I'm stuck at this step)
Doing port forwarding on your router to allow connections to the Dogecoin port (:22556) to be forwarded from your router (which receives the connections) to your computer Details https://dogecoinisawesome.com/full-node
Typically, after completing those three steps, you have successfully run Dogecoin Full Node. If your active connections >8, it means you are all set!
If you have any questions about this, feel free to ask me!
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